Sunday, April 26, 2015

Could it really be Spring?

I do hope so. I need warmer weather. I'm tired of the cold.
One tree cut away}

We had warm weather a few weeks ago then it got cold, cold again. I had to get my winter coat back out of the basement storage closet. Yes, that cold.

Today it was warmer and we worked outside on the yard. Last week we had three trees cut down. I had the tree man leave them free standing as I didn't want them just gone. We carried limbs from the front yard to the back and clipped them into smaller parts. They were river birches that had been planted years and years ago. They were tall and majestic and had bark that peeled back creating texture on the trunk.  

Now we have enough logs for family fires all through the summer and fall. Lots of s'mores.  The trees will continue to bring us joy but it's still hard to see them gone.

They were dead though and had to go. Recently we had a large branch fall on a windy day, taking out the garage gutter. Another day, another storm and one of them could easily land on the roof. That would be an unexpected surprise.

I also had a chance to plant a few flowers, herbs, and 3 tomato plants. I'm ready for healthy spring eating and spending more time outside 
{Groovy Girl enjoying new perch}
{My new reading spot}

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