Thursday, September 3, 2015

Groovy Girl and poetry

My daughter has written three amazing poems, maybe more, but 3 that I know of and this one I'm going to share. She doesn’t even realize what amazing talent she has in this area.  All three of my children are great writers and so far one of them wants to write for living. This was written for a class assignment. Enjoy.

Where I'm From...

I am from Tye-dyes
I am from Pesto pasta and skim milk
I am from Warm honey dripping down my throat and coating my lips
I am from French braids and peace rallies
Fighting war and oil pipelines

I am from Little Rock and inner city Chicago
From dirt between my toes and wide tall trees
I am from Creativity and make believe
From Tutus and imagination
I am from Sunday school and hallowed be thy name
My church I know like the back of my hand

I am from Lavender oil and dancing in the rain
From Gooey brownies and strawberry rhubarb pie
I am from Cartwheels and ballet slippers
I am from edamame and basil,
Buttered toast and sweet corn

I am from the kissing hand and our tree named steve
I am from furry dogs and fairy houses
From dinner times and blues clues band aids
I am from laughter and snow angels
I am The baby from 3lb 2oz
I am from sea salt and ocean waves

These memories I keep in my mind locked away only mine
They carry me along my way through my life they will stay.

By: Groovy Girl

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