Sunday, December 6, 2009

Highland Library

It is all coming together.  These photos were taken on Friday morning and I had several volunteers come and help get even more books out of boxes and onto the shelves!  I think by the end of the week I will be ready to start putting my office together.  An efficient guy came and put my desk together Friday afternoon and another guy assembled all the shelves for the back storage area.  By quitting time on Friday I was exhausted (and feeling a little old) but headed off to a friends' birthday celebration.  I believe now after spending a fairly relaxing weekend that my muscles have finally recovered from moving boxes around and hefting books up and down.  Thankfully one of the volunteers on Friday enjoyed helping me move boxes around-with a dolly!! 
Highlights of my weekend:
1. Watching my children perform in a church production!  Peaceful girl played a lamb!  Teenage boy was Joseph
2. Finished The evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly (review tommorow-loved it).
3. Getting parts of my house cleaned on Saturday morning.
4. Holding my sweetheart's hand at h.s. performance of Romeo and Juliet.
5. Began third Luxe; Envy by Anna Godbersen and am mesmerized!!  Should be reading right now!
6. Watched husband put lights up on outside tree because I said please...

Hope your weekend was just as wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a cot in the corner somewhere in your library? maybe I can have my reading retreat there!