You know how when you are working on something intently but then you get distracted...
That happened to me yesterday while working on my last homework project. I stopped and checked my
emails (this is not the distraction, I do this all the time) but an email from Any New Books? for YA/children's books and I clicked on it (first mistake) and scrolled down where Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly caught my eye and I clicked on it (second mistake) and it took me right to an Amazon page that told me to click (YES!) one more time to read the first chapter. Of course, I hesitated for a second, okay, maybe half a second and then clicked to read (third mistake)!
But then I was swept away. I was able to read five chapters in and am hooked!
Got to find the book so I can keep reading...
Need to know more about Andi.
Also I love it when a book takes me to music which it did by mentioning David Gilmour. I had to stop and google him (distracted from a distraction!?) to see if he was real and yes, yes he is real and happens to be the guitarist for Pink Floyd (my husband would be a bit embarrased that I had to google this fact...) but the song is good maybe even great. I listened to it while I read the fifth chapter, which I must now, well you know, find because it wouldn't give me anymore chapters. Just checked on-line and my local library says it's available-I'm in luck. Never mind that I already have four books checked out-this is how distractions work.
I'm off to the library after I proofread my paper and electronically submit it!
Click here for the synopsis from GoodReads of Revolution, NOT my paper...
P.S. Groovy Girl just looked over at me as I was typing and said "Mommy, I thought you were supposed to be finishing your homework NOT a blog post...hmmm"
She even said it a little snarky with emphasis~ and she raised her eyebrows at me!
Which led to a little discussion about distractions...
and the cycle continues.
What's distracting you today?
Friday Five
22 hours ago
Revolution is a really good book; I had trouble putting it down! :)
A web project I'm working on is distracting me; this is the only time I have for blogging, so I can't let myself review the project. :P
I love Revolution I think it took me two weeks to read over Christmas. Jennifer Donnelly always writes such great page turners I have not been able to book down of her yet. If you haven't read the tea rose trilogy of hers you should
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