Sunday, August 23, 2015

School starts WHEN??

Yes, tomorrow. I'm ready.  I think.  It doesn't make any difference if I'm really ready or not; kids will come through the library doors tomorrow no matter what.  They will be excited to tell me what they did over summer break.  Some will be pleased to share how many books they read over the summer.  Others will be happy to tell me all they things they did BUT read.  Either way I will welcome them in with open arms and hope that I can help the challenging students to find a book they will embrace (could be non-fiction, graphic novel, or a really interesting fiction) and I will help the strong readers to reach for the stars.

Groovy Girl starts 8th grade.  She will be a cheerleader this year for school.  Her best friend just moved around the corner from our house and life can't get much better.  This weekend she's shared her concerns though about school fears. Last year it was a rough beginning to middle school and she's worried that this year she will again have those same troubles.  No amount of talking her down about it seems to work so we'll just have to see how it plays out.

Handsome son begins his second year at our local community college and he's living with friends near school.  I hope for him a great year as well. It's a new experience having a child live in town but not in your house. He stops by to eat, do laundry, and just hang out every once in awhile.

Our oldest daughter, Kaylee, finished at The Salt Institute and is headed to Brooklyn to work for the podcast Reply All in September.  She has her own website and is striving toward life as a full-time writer.  I know she will miss Portland but new opportunities await her.

My husband also started a new job last week as artistic director of our community theatre. Long ago he was the children's theatre director at the same theatre so it is a little like going home for him but with greater responsibility.  His first play, Little Shop of Horrors, opens in October.

Everyone starts something new here and whether it is a new school year, a new job, a new house it's important to remember that home is where you go at the end of the day to feel secure and loved.  We are just going to take one day at a time.

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