Sunday, January 31, 2016

Snow days coming our way...

Did you know that we are about to get hit with a major snowstorm here in the Midwest?  Yes.  Lots of snow, high winds, crazy kind of weather. We've had two smaller storms but no snow days.  We are due and I am ready.  Hot chocolate and pancakes, lots of reading here we GO.  Sadly we are not wusses though so it takes a major snow to cancel school.  I checked out a few snow books to get me in the mood.  Here are a few of my favorites from our public library.

Hooray for SNOW! by Kazuo Iwamura: Sweet squirrel family learns to play in the snow altogether.  Lovely illustrations.

Here comes Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara: A young boy, feeling blue during winter, has a chance meeting with Jack Frost and makes a new friend to play with all winter long until Spring begins to sprout. Lovely woodcut illustrations.

Snowman's Story by Will Hillenbrand: Sweet wordless picture book with forest animals and a snowman with a treasured book sharing the love of reading. I love the Bear and Mole series by Hillenbrand also so no surprise that this one is a hit as well.

Peter and the Winter Sleepers by Rick de Haas: Peter lives in a lighthouse with his grandmother and his dog Leo.  During a particularly snowy week the lighthouse becomes a makeshift home for many forest animals! Peter and his grandmother welcome a freezing rabbit, an owl, birds, bats, a squirrel family, and finally one lone, cold fox.  The house is starting to smell, there are droppings everywhere but worse yet they think fox might have eaten Gull. My teacher brain says this book is great for empathy, grit, kindness, and problem-solving.

First Snow by Peter McCarty: I love Peter's work!  Pedro comes to visit his bunny cousins and snow arrives the very next day. Pedro doesn't like the cold so he's unhappy to see his first snow.  Poor Pedro complains as all the neighborhood bunnies frolic in the snow but, of course, he sleds down a big hill and loves it. No more complaining!  Lovely illustrations.

Cheers to a snow day.  Our traditions include hot chocolate and chocolate chip pancakes, Gilmore Girls, reading, and lots of cuddling under big blankets.  I'm ready like I said.

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