Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Day! May Day!

No May Day baskets this year. I asked and Groovy Girl was like "I'm too busy, I'm too tired!"  It is a stressful time for a sophomore, her first year in high school. We used to always do May baskets that we would deliver to a set group of friends before school began. I delivered May baskets when I was young as well and it is one of those wonderful traditions that I love to see continued. I was very happy to see a kindergarten class making May baskets to deliver to a 6th-grade class.

I did bring her some treats today after grocery shopping; some french bread, a Mexican coca-cola, and a small bag of Bob's Chia seeds - odd treats, yes, but she loves them.

It's really the thought that counts. But if I want this tradition to continue I'm going to need to work a little harder myself. Already I'm thinking of little friends that I (we) could quickly deliver to near us. It would put a smile on their little faces and the tradition would continue in some fashion. Did you do May baskets growing up? 

May Basket traditions (NPR)

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