Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome November

I like it when I push myself to write/blog everyday so I am signed up to do just that via National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) and the question for today is What if I didn't have a to pay a mortgage or rent?

 1. Charities/Church
 2. A few big vacations (some place tropical, Scotland, NYC for a week or two) 
 3. College Funds
  4.  Retirement 

Wouldn't it be fantastic to not have that major payment every month?  Yes!  Dream On...

Upcoming Events:

Tomorrow's post will be my review of Buying Time by Pamela Samuels Young and  two guest posts she has contributed which will appear this week.  Lots of exciting events happening.  I look forward to November, sliding quietly in after the excitement of October and Halloween.  November is a month to celebrate gratitude and all things I am thankful for in my life.  What better way to do that than posting everyday.

Blessings as we turn the calendar page. 
What exciting events do you have planned for November?
Soup making is big on my list.

1 comment:

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Thanksgiving is my holiday...I've been doing our family's Thanksgiving dinner for more years than I can remember...I LOVE it!! I am thankful for family and the times that we have together, enough food to eat, a roof over our heads...I like spending this month before chaos sets in (what Christmas has become) to just reflect peacefully :)