Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Update

     What a glorious day we had yesterday!  The weather was beautiful.  My daughter decided to rake in order to have a pile of leaves to jump into, over and over again.  My dad used to rake up piles for me to jump into so I got up out of our hammock, where I had been reading Slaughterhouse 5-my book club book for tonight, and helped her rake.  Feel the joy...

Then she had to change clothes to match the leaves...

When the sun started to disappear we headed inside and we made Shrimp Pad Thai from her Around the World Cookbook.  It was yummy and everyone loved having it for dinner!

Oh, and here she is on Saturday after we put together her "Ladybug Girl" Halloween costume!

Reading-wise I'm almost finished with Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five.  I can't wait to get back to Linger by Maggie Stiefvater.  I need to post about The Sorceress by Michael Scott. 
I'm almost finished with the hat I'm knitting for my husband-I just learned how to knit with circular needles and I love it!  Oh, and we went to a fantastic concert on Saturday (just by chance when friends called and offered us free tixs) featuring Pieta  Brown (daughter of Greg Brown) and
Brandi Carlisle-it was part of our local symphony's pop night!  It was pretty rockin'!
I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend as well! 


Jana said...

She is darling!! What a fun weekend. Love the Ladybug costume!!

Shelley said...

It sounds like a lot of wonderful things going on! The only thing that doesn't fit in is reading Slaughterhouse Five. I don't remember any warm fuzziness about it, like all of your other activities!

Anonymous said...

I love Lady Bug Girl! I can't wait to show S! 'Cuz you know J is her best friend ;)