Early this morning I had a sorority meeting at my local B & N/Starbucks-for those of you paying any attention~I'm really not the sorority type! This is Alpha Upsilon Alpha, part of the International Reading Association, so it all makes perfect sense. One of my teaching mentors at my local alma mater recommended me for induction into the "society"-luckily I did not have to gulp goldfish or wear an odd robe and we mostly talk about reading, teaching and books.
Today we met for "Books and Brunch" and it was a blast! There was lots of quick and exciting conversations on a variety of topics. I was able to share a variety of books (Luxe was the first on my stack to share) and we did discuss (one of my other favorite topics) blogging!! There were only 7 of us there and truly, the meeting took way longer than I expected (10-1) but it was really enjoyable. This is my first year in the organization and we are trying to grow in ideas and membership. I will admit I was sad we spent so much time talking leaving me no browsing time-at all!!
One of the seven at the meeting was published author and a writing instructor at Wartburg, Barbara Harken and it was great to share ideas with her. I bought a copy of her book, had it signed and will make time soon to read it. Click here for her website.
Okay, the rest of the day I watched football and socialized with adult libations but the morning did start off very intellectually-stimulating!!
I should have been reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato....for Monday's book club!!! Yikes!
And how was your Saturday spent??
Monday Mini-Reviews: A Trio of Fantastic Fiction
2 hours ago
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