Dear Mr. Silberberg;
I just wanted to write you a quick thank you note for writing such an outstanding middle grade book! Milo is a one-of-a-kind-kinda guy! There isn't a part of this book that I didn't of it I loved so much they made me weep. I learned quickly that Milo has some obstacles-he's not graceful or popular but he does have big ideas and a kind heart. I also learned Milo misses his mom everyday and that her memory has been cleaned right out of their house by his grieving father. Since his mother's death Milo's been walking around in a fog, moving from house to house, never getting a grip on the simple fact that his mother is no longer there for him.
I loved how you gave him someone to pine for in Summer Goodman and a suave alter-ego in Dabney St. Claire. You gave him a wonderful friend, Marshall, who is there to be silly with but through Marshall's family you gave Milo a way to experience a happy family. You developed another friendship for Milo by introducing him to Hillary, his annoying next-door-neighbor, who turns out to be not so annoying after all. Hillary shares with readers that we all have our secrets and our strong points. Yeah Hillary! You gave Milo an adult neighbor and friend, Sylvia Poole, who shares her experiences with grief and helps Milo clear away some of his fog. You gave him a kind teacher, Mr. Shivnesky, who cares enough to give Milo a 5-minute break when things get tough.
Mr. Silberberg, you gave us other tensions like the Halloween party and the box of Barbie parts to keep our minds shifted away from just MILO'S GRIEF. This was brilliant because Milo is an easy read-I want to hear about his grief but not be hit over the head with it. For a kid his age life keeps moving on. You are a funny guy-a really naturally funny guy. I give you a standing ovation for writing and illustrating Milo; Sticky Notes and Brain Freeze. {picture me standing, clapping loudly}
Sincerely in awe,
Peaceful Reader
p.s. Thank you for giving Summer, the crush, some last minute redemming qualities-because after all we all have something that makes us unique!
p.p.s could you please write your next book for elementary kids because I noticed your first book, Pond Scum, is also for middle school kids and I think they've had enough of your attention. PLEASE; I will be your friend for life.
Check out Alan Silberberg's kooky
Silberberg's blog-with a book trailer.
Every page has a gem but I leave you with just two quotes:
Dabney St. Claire says that "timing is everything," which is why i make sure to wear a watch every day so I'm always ready just in case. I figure it's like when you go to a baseball game and bring your glove because it's possible a foul ball will come right at you. And even though you're sitting under the grandstand roof where no balls ever go, you wear that baseball glove through the whole game, which makes the popcorn you buy taste like dirt and oil and other stuff you can't even put a finger on-but probably already did-and all that matters is you feel ready for the slimmest-ever chance that the first stray ball in the history of baseball is going to be hit right at your impossible seats. (39-41) (what an optimist!)
and this:
I mention this at dinner my first night at Marshall's house, and you know what? They all laugh, and it's so weird to hear people laughing at the dinner table that I feel really bad and stare into my plate, but Mrs. Hickler says, "No, Milo-that's really funny. My mother does act a little like she's still in high school. You should see her yoga clothes." And it's so shocking that laughing even coexists with eating, and it's while I'm having broiled chicken (which I love) and green beans (which I hate but eat anyway) that I want to go home and pack up all my stuff and move right into Marshall's house forever. (134-135) (see-you want to give him a hug too!)
Other magnificent reviews:
The Boy Reader
Chocolate Air
and Stacy @ Welcome to my Tweendom
To purchase your own beloved copy of this book at an IndieBound bookstore near you click on the title...Milo; Sticky Notes and Brain Freeze
Friday Five
1 day ago
Now I am annoyed....I owned Pond Scum at one point....maybe I still do? I just have no idea where to begin to look!
I love the sound of this book! As I do the idea of an epistolary review :D
I loved Milo too!
Here is a link to my review
I also felt the need to write out a favorite quote from the book!
Well, I am sold! Just requested it from my library.
Michelle - Thank you so much for the lovely letter to me (and Milo). I think I'm still blushing from your kind words. Because the story is very personal to me it means even more to see the book so appreciated.
Alan Silberberg
Thank you for stopping by Mr. Silberberg. It was easy to write about your lovely book!
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